Sunday, August 29, 2010

From Germans to Muslims

During WWII, when my father was of late elementary age, his New York home was raided and family belongings were confiscated. Because his mom and grandmother were Americans of German origin, he and his family were treated as if they were Nazis and denied their rights under the Constitution. Meanwhile, in Germany, other family members were being arrested, tattooed & incarcerated by the actual Nazis. Never mind that his father was a "real American" whose paternal family's boat ride predated the Revolution; due to ignorance and fear, not even marriage entitled them to their rights as Americans, under the Constitution. 

We have a bad problem. We are a country of immigrants that repeatedly treats its own as enemies during times of conflict. We become un-American and deny constitutional rights and protections to our fellow citizens.

It is a matter of record: this has never resulted in national protection, only in alienation and the ruin of families and childhoods. 

It is not enough to admit we were wrong after the fact. What is reparation, if we continue to take the same path in the present? Repeating the wrong makes any reparation hollow. And, acknowledging the wrong while nevertheless repeating it also suggests we are not making a mistake, but willfully following a plan, and then paying for the privilege.

We have penalties for hate crimes. What we need now are increased penalties for the violation of citizens' constitutional rights during external conflicts--starting with incitement to commit the crime.

That would change some campaign speeches in a hot minute.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Originally uploaded by la_v_i_k_a

These caps have fascinated me since childhood. My grandmother always used Palmolive. I had no idea it was two words spliced together.

I would stand on a chair and help my great grandmother wash the dishes after a Sunday meal. Everyone said I would fall off, she said otherwise.

I fell off.

My lip split!

The doctor was called and we went to his office, in his home!

They were not anesthesia friendly in those days, even less child friendly. I stood at his knee while he stitched my lip. I felt the needle go in and out, and it hurt very much. I still have the scar, though not really visible unless I tuck my tongue there, pushing out so you can see the silver line.

Omi was appalled to have let me fall. She fed me lots of jello and milkshakes for several days. I was very happy.

It was worth it.

I love dish soap...and their special caps.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Morning Coffee & 1/2" Water Curb

Morning Coffee & 1/2" Water Curb
Originally uploaded by la_v_i_k_a

They go together when it's time for clay.

The drywall is an excellent work surface, smooth and slightly absorbent.

I like working on the floor, and always have. On my knees, I can use my full weight to roll out slabs-- and things don't fall so far when I drop them.