Monday, September 13, 2010

Fall 2010 New Buttons

Fall 2010 New Buttons
Originally uploaded by la_v_i_k_a

A small portion of the latest kiln load, one that included pendants, fibulae and tiles, as well as these new button designs.

You might notice the glaze on the button on the lower right that appears to have some blue in it. In reality, there is no blue there, at all.

The color you see is a function of the refractory properties of rutile, or titanium oxide.

The same ore of titanium causes the effects seen in natural stones: the cat's eye and the asterisms, or stars, found in sapphires and rubies.

And, yes, if you know stones, it is also the source of the golden needles seen in rutilated quartz.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Not Trader Joe's?

I was shocked and sobered to read about Trader Joe's lack of response to the opportunities outlined in this article.

As a result, I went to their contact page and submitted a letter, beginning with the paragraph, above, and continuing with what follows:

As a counselor for one of the largest hospitals in this area during the late eighties, I personally witnessed the effects of poor labor practices, lack of protections and inadequate wages on agricultural workers and their families. Their lack of legal and labor status is mentally, physically and socially debilitating.

You do have the power to make a change, and so do I. I didn't realize the good prices were being had on my neighbors' backs. I can't in good conscience continue to shop at Trader Joe's and won't until this changes. I've passed the article along to friends on twitter, FaceBook and my blog; I know it will matter to them, too.

Our children go to school together and we all live together. It does matter; it's a good decision. I hope Trader Joe's will see it that way and make its own good decision, quickly.

Best Regards,

Victoria Cochran